Senior Salute

Dear Seniors,

Your class picture marks the student section as a way of honoring you and recognizing the particular loss you are feeling amid our societal disruption brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

As this health crisis has shuttered our school buildings for the next month and truly changed how we function as a society, your class have taken some very significant losses. For example, our spring sports have already been canceled. We are staring at the cancellation of prom-- a crowning event for high school students. And as we look out a little further, we realize that our graduation ceremony will be impacted by this global pandemic.

This crisis will teach us many lessons around perseverance. We will need to learn how to accept change and loss and to move forward positively. We will have to do so as a school community, and that work starts now. All of you-- our Roosevelt Class of 2020 students, our seniors-- are our leaders right now. You are best able to show us a path forward as you are enduring some of the most bitter losses.

Your class has always been characterized by a very positive, collective spirit. You are not divided into cliques or rival factions. Rather you are a broad assortment of individuals who come together to form a supportive learning community. You have interacted with one another. You have learned from one another. You have made space for each other and you have grown together. You are the right people to be where you are. You are the right class to lead by example. I trust that you will show us a better way.

In the meantime, know that I and others in our greater community recognize your many losses at this time as your high school careers feel cut strangely short and we are here to support you as best as we can.

Lead us, Class of 2020!

Principal Bradley