Weekly Schedule


Below is our weekly schedule. You are to used your class schedule to determine the time you should be joining a given class. For example, if you have Ms. Oberg for English fifth period, you will connect with join her class through Google Meets from during the third learning block on "Odd Days" which are typically Mondays and Thursdays.

Your class time should engage you in active learning. Our class structure should follow the outline below:

  • Warm Up (Re-engage prior learning)-- 5-10 minutes

  • Frame Learning/Share Learning Targets-- 5 minutes

  • Mini-Lesson-- Engagement in New Learning-- 15- 25 minutes

  • Guided Practice/Active Learning-- 50 minutes

  • Close (Reflection on learning)-- 10 minutes

2020-2021 Student Block Schedule 2.0.docx

Google Classroom Assignment Completion Time (Link from Above Student Key)
