Administrative Message and Daily Announcements

Good morning, Teddies!

We have put together this website as a way to further structure and organize our effort around Distance Learning. I want to acknowledge that this is a new way of engaging in education for all of us. There have been online schools in existence for a number of years, however, we have not moved large, traditional high schools to a virtual format before. We are all entering a new world.

As we do this, I believe that:

  1. Education remains a very interactive endeavor. Students and teachers need to communicate frequently and in "real time" to ensure understanding and learning.

  2. Structure and routine support us all as strive to be successful in anything. If I play a sport or practice an art, I must discipline myself to practice with regularity and to focus on my craft. The same is required of you with school work. Set aside time to PRACTICE.

  3. Technology provides great infrastucture. It enables us to engage in distance learning. It in no way ensures successful learning. The factors that ensure successful education remain as always-- quality teaching and strong student engagement.

As we embark on this new course we call Distance Learning, I believe we will be successful if we seek to:

  1. Maintain the interpersonal relationships between students and teachers and students and students that are essential to learning.

  2. Engage in school daily and for the amount of time expected of students. Attendance matters even from a distance.

  3. Work hard to be successful in our studies.

I am excited to reconvene as a community next Monday, April 6th. I look forward engaging with many of you during that day. In the meantime, please scan through this website to gain a solid understanding of what our Distance Learning platform will look like and what you will need to do to be successful in it.


Michael Bradley

Fourth Quarter Grading and Expectations

The Main Office: Principal Office Hours

Starting April 13th, Roosevelt principals will be holding office hours on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am until 12pm.

This time is open to students, staff and parents to engage with administrators. This can be time to connect or to problem solve.

or, dial +1 442-600-5948‬ PIN: ‪994 300 888‬#