Mira el video sobre los primeros exploradores.  Da click aqui. 


Preguntas para comentar con tus compañeros.

1. What were some of the things that made the Spanish want to explore lands in North America?

Menciona algunas de las razones por las que España exploro las tierras de Norteamérica.

 2. How successful were the Spanish explorers in achieving their goals? 

Qué tan exitosos fueron los exploradores españoles ? 

3. What were some of the harmful things that the Spanish explorers did? What were some of the good things?

Mensiona algunos de los daños que causaron los españoles y algunos de los beneficios de su exploración.

 4. How would you feel if you saw strange looking people wearing metal armor, speaking a strange language, and riding animals you had never seen before in your community? 

Comenta como te sentirias si vieras a personas usando armadura de metal, hablando un idioma extraño y montando a animales que tu nuncan antes hubieras visto en tu comunidad.

5. At least two Spanish expeditions set out to find places that turned out to be nothing more than legends. These were the “Fountain of Youth” and “The Seven Cities of Gold.” Discuss the power of legends to influence people. What changes have taken place that have caused legends to have less influence on our lives now than they did in the past? 

7. Even though the Spanish explorers had better weapons, what advantages did the Native Americans have over them? 

A pesar de que los españoles poseían mejores armas, qué ventajas tenían los nativos americanos sobre ellos?