
Cars, trucks, and planes are some of the most problematic causes of climate change. Instead of driving, try walking, biking, or taking public transportation. Over long distances, carpool with others when you can. Flying is worse than driving, so try taking a road trip instead of taking a plane. It can be less expensive as well.

  • Walk or bike

  • Take public transportation

  • Carpool

  • Drive instead of flying

Walk or Bike

Over short distances, walking or biking can be a pleasant thing to add to your routine. If you live close to where you work or wherever you go to school, try biking or walking when the weather is good and when it is warm. Cars typically emit about 4.6 metric tons of greenhouse gases every year, and even biking only short distances can cut that number - and your gas costs - into a fraction of itself. It can also be a fun activity that helps keep you healthy and happy.

Take Public Transportation

Taking busses can save you money and help cut greenhouse emissions. Public transportation is an easy way to travel around a town or city, and can take you to places you didn't know were there as you visit the various stops. Taking the school bus can allow kids to be with their friends, and minimizes emissions from the different cars that it would take to bring all the kids to school.


Even when you have to drive, carpooling can save you gas, time, money, and a planet to live on. Try arranging a carpool with the people who work and live near you. For example, you can create a deal with a neighbor whose kid goes to the same school yours does. You can alternate taking the kids to school every day. This will cut your combined school-route emissions almost in half, and save you the same amount on gas and tires.

Do Errands More Efficiently

This will save time, energy, and gas. Try to combine all your errands into one big trip, so you don't have to waste time, money, and gas driving to the same places over and over again. Instead of making a lot of very short trips, try planning out meals for the whole week and getting all of the ingredients in one big shopping trip.