At Home

Even though each of these things seems small on its own, doing them periodically - and getting others to help you - can make one person's work into an entire movement. Even if you're just trying to do one thing on our list, it will help in its own small way. Little things can make a big difference.

Some ideas include...

  • Plant a tree

  • Only wash/dry full loads and use a clothesline in the summer!

  • Be more creative with your wrapping paper ideas. Using recycled items or things from the environment can save you a lot of money and help the Earth.

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

  • NO GLITTER, it falls off of things and it is a pre-micro plastic

  • Compost (Compost is organic material that can be added to soil to help plants grow. ... Making compost keeps these materials out of landfills where they take up space and release methane, a potent greenhouse gas. It is easy to do and can help your garden. Google instructions online if you don't know how to do it.)

  • Know what plants are invasive in your yard and don't grow them

  • Donate to local organizations like the World Wildlife Fund and 4Ocean

  • Try not to eat as much meat.

  • Don't use pesticides

  • Use less air conditioning, and never with a window open

Plant a Tree

Trees and other plants take in CO2 (Carbon dioxide) like we take in oxygen. We give out a lot of CO2, not when we breathe, but when we drive, fly, build, etc. Plants take in that CO2 and turn it into oxygen which we breathe. Trees can help take in carbon, and they also provide habitats for wildlife like birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and other species, as well as being a beautiful addition to your lawn.

Only Wash/Dry Full Loads and use a Clothesline in the Summer

To run just your dryer it takes 2 to 6 kilowatt-hours of energy. Your washing machine uses 400 to 1300 watts. This can be terrible for the environment and can cost a lot of money in energy bills. To keep costs down and to help save the world, wait until you have an absolutely full washing machine to start a load. Clotheslines take up to 0 watts of energy and can be simple to put up and use.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle/Use Different Wrapping Paper

This one is self-explanatory. Reducing, reusing, and recycling are three great strategies for saving money and the world. Using different wrapping paper is a good way to reuse something, and you can recycle it after you're done. Recycling keeps trash out of landfills and also provides resources that don't have to be taken from nature. It reuses the ones that are already gone. Reusing also reduces waste and takes away one more thing you'd have to buy. Believe it or not, you can make amazing stuff with old newspapers, rolled up into potholders/trivets, beads, used as wrapping paper, lunchbox insulation, and other crafty projects.

No glitter

Glitter is a micro-plastic, and it falls off of things and gets everywhere. This includes in the ocean, and it collects in places like the Pacific Garbage Patch, where fish come and eat it. Those fish are sometimes killed, and then other fish or birds eat them, and slowly, it travels up the food chain.


Compost is a natural way to get rid of food. You take natural untreated and raw food/products and put them in a pile to decompose. This food is turned into rich soil by worms and other bugs. It is helpful to your garden, and best of all, it isn't in the landfills! Make sure to do some research about how to successfully compost in your area.

Invasive plants

Invasive plants are nonnative plants that are harmful to the local ecosystem or native plants. For example, Canadian thistle grows almost everywhere and kills every kind of plant from crops to garden flowers. If you see plants like these, do some research to get an idea of what you should do. Remember, pulling the weeds doesn't always help. Look it up before you try.


Many weeds and bugs are important parts of the ecosystem in your yard. Pesticides are literally poison, and while they do kill harmful plants they also kill harmless or even beneficial plants and animals. Instead of having your lawn sprayed, try just pulling the weeds. Although this takes considerably longer and is no one's idea of a good time, it can be made fun by having contests about who can pull the most weeds or things like that.

Heating and Air Conditioning

No one likes to be too cold or too hot, but instead of turning on your AC or heating system, try putting on a sweatshirt or opening a window. Air conditioning cools down a room by taking the hot air out and putting cool air in.