HJF Help Guides

The Help Guides below are designed to take you through what would be covered in a general library instruction class and some more advanced topics that are not always covered in these sessions. We provide both textual and video explanations and demonstrations to help you get started researching. While we provide some specific examples, these guides are designed to help the most people with the most common questions we get at the HJF Library. They are intended to give you the skills to begin doing research for any topic or course. If you are not able to find the help you seek here, please contact a librarian for one-on-one assistance.

The Help Guides are broken up into three distinct sections:

Quizzes and worksheets are also provided to help you learn these concepts as well as to assist in whatever research project you may currently be working on.

đź’ˇ Course & Topic Guides

Looking for help regarding a specific course or topic, such as ENGL 346 or help with education research? 

Then check out our HJF FAQ as all course & general topic guides are now found there. Just search for your topic or course and check the results.