CSE Style Guide

What is CSE?

CSE stands for Council of Science Editors, and it indicates a specific style to be used when citing information and organizing a research paper. The CSE documentation style is used in the sciences, including: Biology, Ecology, Zoology, and Medicine. 

There are three documentation systems for CSE style:

You can learn how to use these systems on the menu at your left.

There are three documentation systems used in CSE and it is important to ask your professor which style you are supposed to be citing for your paper in before beginning.  In this guide you will find information on how to cite in each of the three styles:

Scientific style and format : the CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers.

2014, Eight Edition

R 808.066 Sci277 2014

Summary: Revised citation reference for authors, editors, publishers, students, and translators in all areas of science and related fields. Includes convenient tools including information on manuscript preparation and markup, sample correspondence, editorial office practices, a citation quick guide, the Chicago Style Q & A; full coverage of Creative Commons and other developments in copyright law; up-to-date coverage of technologies related to scientific research methods; new recommendations and examples for citing online images and information graphics, podcasts and webcasts, online videos, blogs, social networking sites, and e-books; and changes in stylistic recommendations that are consistent with the recommendations of authoritative international bodies.

Zotero Citation Software

Zotero is a free and open source citation manager. It is the only one that the HJF Learning Center supports at this time because of its versatility, robust features, and numerous supported styles. Zotero provides plugins for both Microsoft Office's Word, LibreOffice's Writer, and Google Drive Documents allowing for direct searching and importing of source citations all in the style of your choice. It also includes an automatic bibliography, references, and/or works cited page at the end of your document that is generated from the sources used in the rest of the document. You can find out more about using Zotero and where to get it below.