Final Update

Air Quality Communication Task Force Email Responses 10/17/17

  • The district will be working with TTI to answer any technical questions received.
  • Proposed calendar changes (including revised marking period dates) will be considered by the district's calendar committee and forwarded for approval to the Board of Education at Thursday's meeting. If approved, a revised calendar will be sent out Friday.
  • Cycle 1 classes at WMS will end October 24th. Cycle 2 classes will begin October 25th.
  • Whitehall supplies, materials, and personal belongings have been brought to WMS and have been delivered to their respective classrooms.

  • At this time, the Air Quality Communication Task Force has completed its mission. Our students have returned or are in the process of returning to school and the district is back to educating its students. We need to bring our attention back to education and serving our students. Employees should continue to report any concerns through the appropriate chain of command with a copy to their union representation. Parents or concerned community members are to contact the administration of the building in question as a starting point.
  • Mr. Brian Bovio will continue with a parent committee and will be in touch with the public concerning details.
  • Thank you all for working with us!!

(approved for publication per CME 10/17/17)

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