Step 7: Home School Partnership

Sec 1 Parents’ Briefing [5 January 2024]

We will be organising a Parents' Briefing for all Sec One parents on Friday, 5 January 2024, 1800h

Please refer to the notification on Parents Gateway for more information.

Parents Support Group (PSG)

The Unity PSG consists of a group of dedicated parents who partner the school to support fellow parents in nurturing their children. It is a platform for parents to network, share, learn and support each other in this parenting journey. 

Please click here for more information on Unity PSG.

Please click here if you are interested to join the Unity PSG.

Transition to Secondary School

Your child has arrived at yet another milestone in their life! As they move from primary to secondary school, you might wonder what secondary school life will be like, and how they will adjust to the different environment and routines. 

Your child might also feel anxious as they embark on their secondary school journey. Their anxiety can be turned into excitement if they are better prepared for the change and can adapt well to secondary school life – and parents play an important role in helping your child make the transition! 

This issue of the Parent Kit provides tips on how you can help your child transit smoothly from Primary School to Secondary 1.

Resource Kit - Parent Kit - Primary to Secondary Transition.pdf