Step 5: Adminstrative Matters

(1) MOE Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) Application

Two types of FAS application:

For more information on FAS, please click here.

(2) School Counselling Information

Counselling provides our students an opportunity to talk about things that are of concern to them with a qualified and experienced school counsellor. Our school counsellors are trained to listen without judging and help students with the thoughts or feelings that are affecting them. 

Our school-based counselling service provides support for the students in a place that is familiar, safe and secure. Talking to a school counsellor can allow the students to explore and understand their problems, and to find the courage and strength to face and change the circumstance that they feel so overwhelmed by. 

For parents who require any advice or additional support for your child, you may proceed to the general office in school on 21 December 2023 to look for our School Counsellors.

Please click here for more information on our school counselling service.

(3) Special Educational Needs

Our SEN Officer will be in school on 21 December 2023. For parents who require any advice or additional support for your child with Special Educational Needs, you may proceed to the general office in school to look for our SEN Officer.

(4) Appeal for Transfer (For serious medical conditions)

Students who would like to request for a school transfer due to medical reasons will need to submit their appeal through the posted secondary school in person latest by 21 December 2023, 12pm

(5) Appeal for Transfer (Non-Medical Cases) 

For students who would like to transfer to Unity Secondary School, please click here.

The deadline for the submission of appeal (non-medical cases) is on 28 December 2023, 12pm. 

Late submissions will not be entertained.

(6) Secondary One Students using Primary School Smart Card SSC

While Secondary One Students are waiting for their Secondary level SSCs to be ready, they can continue to use their Primary level SSCs for concessionary travel till end Apr 2024. Students can still purchase the Bus Concession Pass (BCP) using their Primary level SSCs, but they would need to purchase the BCP for Secondary School students.