Enhanced Art Programme (EAP)

About the logo 

Designed by Pearlyn Woo Pei Lin, Class of 2019, EAP Batch 7

NC EAP logo was inspired by the 3 rings in Nan Chiau’s school crest. The letters, 'e', 'a' and 'p' originated from 3 circles, each in one continuous stroke. 'EAP' is enclosed in a red circle. Like how Singapore is often being depicted as a red dot on maps, EAP is a little red dot in NCHS. This Red Dot, an oxymoron, is a small yet significant part of the NC family.

Enhanced Art Programme (EAP)

Nan Chiau High School (NCHS) officially embarked on our Enhanced Art Programme (EAP) journey in 2012. The 2-year upper secondary programme is one of MOE's flagship art programmes designed for artistically-inclined students.
At NCHS, our EAP students are 
  • Given exposure to specialised art media, equipment and creative processes and opportunities to meet, learn from and work with art and design professionals 
  • Equipped with abilities and skills to further their passion in art, design, media and technology
  • Provided with platforms to apply the skills they acquire in the art classrooms into the real-world situations
  • Meet like-minded individuals from other EAP schools and learn to work collaboratively through combined schools events (ILEAP) and workshops (Milestone Programmes)
  • Offered Art as a subject at GCE O-Level Examination
  • Given the opportunity to travel on an Overseas Immersive Art Experience at Secondary 3 (To be resumed soon)

ILEAP (2023)

ILEAP (2022)

ILEAP (2019)

Preparation for Exhibition (EAP 10th Anniversary - One heArt Exhibition)

Workshop -> Learning Journey -> The Sky is the Limit Showcase (2020)

Outdoor Painting Experience

How we keep calm and stay cool