Caring And Responsible Environmentalists (C.A.R.E) @IPS is our school wide Environmental Education Programme in Innova Primary school. 

Environmental Education in Innova helps to inculcate the continuous habit of practicing the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in our pupils.

Through various activities, green awareness has been reinforced in our school. Leadership exercised through Green Champions provides a meaningful platform for pupils to contribute to school and community. We have individual recycling bin in every class to ease and encourage the collection of recyclable items within the classroom. Green Champions in every class will clear the class bin weekly into the main bins at the recycling corner.

Innova’s Recycling Corner incorporates our green pledge and checklist which reminds our pupils and staff to use energy efficiently, practice the 3Rs, use water wisely in school and at homes. It also encourages self-learning and being proactive in taking care of the environment.

IPS Recycling Corner.

Old Shoes, New Future! 

As part of our school’s efforts in encouraging our pupils to adopt a sustainability mindset, we are collaborating with Sport Singapore for a used shoes collection drive. These shoes will be used as infrastructure materials for sports facilities such as jogging tracks, playgrounds and fitness corners.

A lesson on the donation of shoes and donated shoes in the recycling bin.


Eco-Class is created to engage and to increase our pupils’ awareness on various environmental matters. As such, it is conducted during the last Form Teacher Guidance Period (FTGP) lesson of every month and will take approximately 10 minutes.

Eco-class: Dengue Campaign@Schools

During FTGP on 23 May 2022, videos were played to create awareness of dengue clusters, and to show methods to wipe out mosquitoes. There was a Q&A session thereafter for pupils to clarify.

Teachers seized the opportunity to link the topic to their Science syllabus, on the life cycle and adaptations of mosquitoes.

Following which, pupils applied the knowledge learnt and attempted an activity sheet.

Pupils watching the video intently.

Pupils completing an activity sheet.

Environmental Programs by Caring And Responsible Environmentalists (C.A.R.E @ IPS)

Recycle Right – Bloobin

C.A.R.E Team shared the importance of recycling right to promote sustainable living and protect our environment.

Recycling is a simple yet effective way to reduce waste and conserve resources. However, to achieve the maximum benefit of recycling, we must ensure that we recycle right.

It is essential to understand that not all materials are recyclable, and placing non-recyclable materials in the recycling bin can contaminate the recycling process.

C.A.R.E Team sharing on Recycle right.

Pupils participating in Recycle Right quiz.

Class Recycling Bin Challenge 

The recycling bin challenge is an innovative and interactive way to encourage pupils  to recycle more and make a positive impact on the environment. This challenge involves decorating existing recycling bin using materials that would otherwise be thrown away or recycled. Pupils had to think outside the box and use their creativity. By creating a recycling bin using materials that would otherwise be thrown away, participants can reduce waste and promote sustainable living.

Recycling bin decorated by various classes.

World Water Day

The last water rationing in Singapore was held in 1964. However, we should not take our water supply for granted. As such, C.A.R.E Team conduct a meaningful water rationing exercise in conjunction with Singapore World Water Day! We enabled your students experience a day of 'water shortage' to better appreciate our precious water resource.

Water was limited during recess to allow pupils to better appreciate our precious water.

In conjunction with Singapore World Water Day, the school staff  wore blue on 22 March 2022.

Every Drop Counts: Our Staff Stands Together for World Water Day.

Science in CPS (P4) : Learning about Light through Shadow Play of Gruffalo & Mouse 

Do you know how shadows are formed? That was what our P4 pupils investigated this term as part of Science in CPS using the Four-Sight Model of CPS (Clarify, Ideate, Develop and Implement)  

Using the story in The Gruffalo, a British children's picture book by author Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler, they learned the different properties of light and the formation of shadows in different sizes.

Pupils display their creative side as the work in groups to create a shadow puppet play using the knowledge about light and shadows they had acquired.

Pupils making shadow art using their own materials. They also had to infuse the properties of light in their explanation.

Students collaborate in teams to create their own shadow plays, utilizing the knowledge they've gained to adjust the size of the shadows.

STEM Challenge 1 : CanBridge Hold’em

In the last three weeks of Term 1, our pupils participated in STEM Challenge 1 where they had to construct a free-standing bridge using a maximum of 50 satay sticks and recycled materials that could hold a 1kg load.

2023 STEM Playground Challenge was organised by Singapore Science Centre, James Dyson Foundation and Curriculum Planning and Development Division, MOE.

The objectives of this challenge is to encourage students’ interest, curiosity and creativity in STEM activities. Also, we want the pupils to develop their school spirit and 21CC skills through this challenge.

The classroom were abuzz as they used their Four-Sight Model in CPS in their successful bridges’ construction inspired by the iconic bridges in Singapore and incorporating the various bridge design such as suspension, truss and beam bridges 

Pupils planning and construct the bridges together. They also solve the problems that they faced independently as a group.

Their faces lit up with joy as their bridges were able to hold the 1kg load.

IPS Science Sparks 2024

On 7 March 2024, our Primary 4 pupils took part in the IPS Science Sparks programme, organised by the Science Department. This programme was conducted during the CLE lesson.

The two key objectives of the programme were to promote teamwork among pupils and to SPARK pupils’ joy of learning. This was done by providing pupils with the opportunity to practise their problem-solving skills and by providing pupils with experiences which build on their interest to SPARK their curiosity about Science.

Pupils were given two tasks. For the first task, they had to complete a worksheet with picture clues to derive a word or a phrase associated with a Primary 3 or Primary 4 Science concept. For the second task, they had to investigate how to balance a robot on their fingers. They were only given four paper clips to work with. Pupils learned about balance and center of gravity; they learn Science through inquiry.

Briefing by teachers before the start of the activity.

Pupils preparing their flowers.

Teamwork in action. Pupils given the autonomy to divide the tasks themselves.

Pupils discovered how to balance the robots.

From their wide smiles, we know they did enjoy the activities.

From their wide smiles, we know they did enjoy the activities.

P5 Hands-on Pollination of Flower and Virtual Learning Journey.

In February 2024, our P5 pupils went on a virtual learning journey to Gardens by the Bay and tried their hands at on the process of pollination.

Leveraging on ICT tools promotes Self Directed and Collaborative Learning opportunities for all our pupils, aligned to the school’s ICT implementation framework. It gives an opportunity for our pupils to apply the concepts taught in class in authentic situations. The pupils also have the opportunity to access these portal all year long hence allowing them to revise on the topics taught and learning at their own pace.

Gardens by the Bay

The P5 pupils also experienced an interactive 360-degree virtual tours on reproduction in flowering plants, identification of the different parts of a flower and observe and identify different seeds and their dispersal methods.

Hand Pollination and Seed Dispersal Appreciation Session

Hands-on experience in the transfer of pollen grains from the anthers to the stigmas of the lilies allow pupils to immerse themselves on the pollination process and also put their knowledge into practice. They also get to take a closer look at the parts of the flowers. Pupils also observe the different characteristics of seeds based on their dispersal methods.

Pupils were engaged in the interactive 360-degree virtual tours.

Pupils learning at their own pace.

Hands-on experience in the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the lily allow pupils to immerse themselves on the pollination process.

Pupils learning about reproduction in plants and completing the activity booklets.

Observe the different characteristics of seeds based on dispersal methods.