Upcoming SLS Release 18

NTPS SLS Standards & Practices

Form Classes & Subject Teaching Groups in SLS

The following SLS groups are centrally created and updated in School Cockpit:

Teachers who need access for level-wide SLS assignments may approach

SLS HBL Lesson Naming Convention

For users to differentiate HBL lessons and other class assignments, please rename HBL lesson using the following sequence:

Level/Class & Subject   HBL  (DD MMM YYYY)   Topic

For example,

P1 EL HBL (19 May 2021) Grammar Practice

3ML1 HBL (19 May 2021) Revision

Scheduling of SLS Assignments 

Set SLS assignments start time  as 6.00 am.

Allow at least 5 days for completion of online assignments.

Provision of Student Attempt URL in HBL plans

Providing the direct URL link to the assignment via other communication channels will allow students to bypass the dashboard and access the assignment more quickly. 

Useful Links

SD Learning Designers Circle on FB

New Media Literacy Resource Site