Information & Communication 



A school that effectively and creatively interacts with technology today and dream of its possibilities for tomorrow. 


To equip students with ICT knowledge, skills and attitudes that will nurture them into effective, creative and independent learners who are able to meet future challenges. 


In alignment with MOE’s vision for ICT in Education “Future-ready and Responsible Digital Learners”,  Meridian adopts a whole-school approach to the developing our students into 21st century ready and responsible digital learners in an ICT-enriched environment in 4 key strands:

Key Programmes

A) Learn ICT

Student ICT Capacity Building Programme

Taking reference from MOE’s Baseline ICT Standard and New Media Literacies for primary schools, lessons are designed in spiral-upwards to progressively build the ICT capacity of our students. Each department has infused Baseline ICT skills into their curriculum so that students benefit from an ICT-enabled learning environment.  The skills covered include:

B) Love ICT

1) Student-led Cyber Wellness Peer-Advocacy Programme

To engage student voice and promote cyber wellness peer advocacy, selected students serve as Cyber Wellness Ambassadors to champion the safe and responsible use of ICT to their peers.  These ambassadors will be equipped with the necessary skills via training (such as attending the East Zone ICT Cyber Wellness Conference) and with the guidance and support from teachers.

2) Partnering Parents and Guardians in Reinforcing Cyber Wellness at Home

To complement the cyber wellness curriculum in school, parents and guardians could set a good example at home in the use of technology and play an active role in guiding our children to navigate safely in the cyberspace.  We look forward to partnering parents in reinforcing consistent and coherent messaging for Cyber Wellness education:

To help you to reinforce Cyber Wellness education at home, you may access Cyber Wellness resources here.

C) Lead ICT

ICT Warrior

As part of the school’s student leadership approach, each year two students from P3 to 6 classes are selected and developed to be the class “ICT Warrior”.  These ICT leaders are equipped with skills and competencies for their roles, responsibilities and expectations of an ICT leader so that they could be a positive peer influence in the use of ICT in the classroom.


For enquiries on the school’s ICT Department, please email: