School Philosophy

Our Philosophy

Our vision, mission, values, motto and philosophy statements capture our core beliefs as a school. They serve as the foundation, guide, purpose and motivation of our practices as a staff team, as a school.

MPS Philosophy for Pupils

* Every Child Matters

* Every Child Can Learn

* Every Child is Different

* Every Child Can Succeed

* Every Child Can Make a Difference

  • Every child has the capacity to learn and achieve, and we are committed to help them to build those learning competencies. He needs guidance to discover his strengths, build his strengths and leverage on his strengths to achieve his goals in order to find success in life.

  • A child learns well when there is order and discipline. Besides building good habits, he also needs care and encouragement to explore and excel.

  • Every child is given opportunities and platforms to succeed and every child can taste success in different ways. Every child needs to be encouraged in overcoming their setbacks before they can taste success, in the process they learn about resilience and perseverance.

  • Every child can enjoy the process of learning, and becomes a life-long learner with a passion to learn always. We need to pass on the love of learning to them.

  • No child is too young to make a difference, either to their own lives or contributing to improve the lives of others. We believe the earlier we build in them a strong intrinsic value system of serving a good cause, the better they will grow in their character for self and others. In this way, they can become contributing members for the betterment of the community and country.

MPS Philosophy for Staff

* Every Staff Matters

* Every Staff Can Learn, Unlearn and Re-learn

* Every Staff is Different

* Every Staff Can Achieve Greater Success

* Every Staff Can Make a Difference