Geogebra and Graspable Maths

Geogebra and Graspable Math

What is Graspable Math Graspable Math STEM Showcase Video

The work of a group of math educators, psychologists, mathematicians, and computer scientists—An effort to reconstruct the idea of formal notation by using digital technology and to build more intuitive and fluid interfaces for math.

It is a tool to

  • scaffold experiences of algebraic structure,

  • support genuine inquiry about how math works,

  • give opportunities to reason flexibly about mathematics.

Graspable Math Canvas (GM Canvas)

Learn how to use Graspable Math : (page with text and video tutorial links)

The workspace for algebra manipulations for students to use

Shared Graspable Math resources

Download User Guide for GM Canvas

Graspable Math Activities (GMA) for online class activities and tasks which are recorded)

GMA are lessons/activities with instructions written on GM Canvas, where you can create sessions for students to login in and carry out the tasks, and allowing teachers to monitor and students work are recorded and archived.

Download Graspable Math Activities guide

Getting Started Page with video tutorials (also sign up a Free Premium Account, need to login or create with Google)

Featured GMA - Curated (good examples) activities you can copy edit or directly assign to students by clicking on "Make session". Also contain tutorial lessons for

Gesture Tutorials & Interactive tutorial for Teachers

Introduction and Independent Work for Students( Keyboard Ctrl F and search phrase on page)

and Algebra, Equations, Logarithms and many more

GMA Classes page (create your classes, integrated with Google Classroom)

Graspable Math on Social Media

Tweets on Twitter Posts on Facebook Video Channel on You Tube


ISTE 2019 Presentation Links to Notes