🔎 Research

🌼Research Suggestion: The "Dos" & "Don'ts" of Southeast Asian countries!

Asia is a vast region with enormous opportunities. Many Singaporeans are venturing overseas to do business, work and play. Singapore has made such a phenomenal impact in the global arena and as many Singaporeans venture overseas, we should show cultural sensitivities and awareness of local cultures and heritages of countries in Asia.


Step 1 : Research about the lifestyles, practices, “do” and “don’ts” of countries in Southeast Asia. Find out things that may be new to you!

Step 2 : Share unique facts that are foreign to us, and share how these knowledge can help us understand the sensitivities of culture.

🌟 BONUS: Be creative in your sharing! Explore producing a video, a drawing, a vlog, a poster or an infographics!

What to include in your SIL Journal

  • Pictures and fun facts you have learnt about the country.

  • Reflections

    • What are some aspects of the cultures in specific countries which may be new and foreign to us Singaporeans?

    • Explain how knowing these "dos" and "don'ts" would help us.

🌟Research Suggestion: Religions in Southeast Asia!

South East Asia is made up of more than 10 countries and more than 10 spoken languages.

Its population is more than 600 million and makes up about 9% of the world population.

It is home to several major religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam.


Step 1 : Find out the major religions in our ASEAN countries.

Step 2 : Tabulate the results using a pie chart or bar graph to represent the religions in each country. Observe any trends in the country’s major religions vis-a-vis their neighbouring countries, trade partners, etc.

What to include in your SIL Journal

  • Pictures and fun facts you have learnt about the major religions in our ASEAN countries.

  • Reflections

    • What were the trends you found from the chart / graph you made?

    • In your opinion, how do the major religion(s) in each country influence their ways of life, culture, food, politics, etc.?

🧩Research Suggestion: Traditional Childhood Games in Southeast Asia!

"Pepsi Cola 123?" "Block Catching?" "Country Flag Erasers?" Do these games ring a bell to you?

Have you ever wondered what childhood memories do students from SEA countries have? Do they also play the same childhood games as us?

In this digital age where playing mobile games is becoming increasingly common,

research and learn about traditional childhood games in SEA and better appreciate the our similarities and differences!


Research online to learn more about South East Asian games. See: Fun Traditional Games from Southeast Asia

🌟 BONUS: Be creative in your sharing! Explore producing a video, a drawing, a vlog, a poster or an infographics!

What to include in your SIL Journal

  • Reflections

    • What are some of your childhood games played in primary school?

    • What are some childhood games played in SEA countries?

    • Are there any similarities and differences?

🛤 Research Suggestion: Transportation in Southeast Asia!

Have you ever heard of the Pan-Asian Railway? It is a rail line running from Beijing to the southern most tip of the Asian Continent - Singapore!

At the moment, the line is up from Yunnan China to Vientiane (Laos). The line from Vientiane (Laos) to Nakhon Rachasima (Thailand) is being built and will be completed in a few years' time.


Find out more about this Pan-Asian Railway and share your knowledge with your friends!

🌟 BONUS: Be creative in your sharing! Explore producing a video, a drawing, a vlog, a poster or an infographics!

What to include in your SIL Journal

  • Reflections

    • What is the Pan-Asian Railway about?

    • Why is this railway being built?

    • How will it impact Southeast Asian countries?

🛤 Research Suggestion: Singapore and its trading partnerships with ASEAN countries.

Regional trade has always been important to Singapore. We learnt that Singapore has been an important trading city (port city) from History and it looks like we are still an important trading city today.

Let's learn a little more about Singapore's trading partnerships with its neighbours today.


Find out more about Singapore and its trading partnerships with its neighbours. Not sure where to start? You can start with :

🌟 BONUS: Be creative in your sharing! Explore producing a video, a drawing, a vlog, a poster or an infographics!

What to include in your SIL Journal

  • Reflections

    • Can you name some trading partnerships Singapore has with ASEAN countries?

    • Why do you think this is important?

    • Apart from economic growth, what other importance do trading partnerships bring to Singapore and its partners?