๐Ÿ™Œ Create

โœ๏ธ Activity: Learn about Asian poetic forms & write one!

While we frequently learn about the different forms of poetry in Western nations, Asian languages have long traditions of literature as well. In fact, some poets who write in English have even been inspired by Asian poetic forms and used them to write poems that fit these Asian forms in English.


Step 1 : Choose 1 of the following forms of poetry :

  • Pantun

  • Ovi

  • Lu Shi

Step 2: Look on the internet for information about these forms of poetry, focusing on these things:

  • the form of the poem :

    • how many lines

    • how many syllables in each line

    • whether the line have to rhyme

  • the history of the poem, and what was it traditionally used for

Step 3: If you are confident enough, you can try to write a poem of your own in the form that you have just learnt about!

What to include in your SIL Journal

  • Share your attempt to write a poem in the form of a pantun, ovi or lu shi

  • Reflections

    • Did you know about these poetry styles before today?

    • How did it make you feel, learning about these styles of poetry?

    • Was it challenging to write a poem in English in these forms? Why or why not?

    • Do you think it's appropriate to use these traditional forms to write poems in English?

๐Ÿ“นActivity: Learn about Asian cultures & create a vlog!

Southeast Asia is rich in cultural diversity, with our wide variety of ethnic groups. This can be seen in our architecture, dances, sports, games and other aspects of everyday life.


Step 1 : Students can also search on any aspect of Asian culture, such as :

  • traditional games

  • sports

  • dance

  • architecture

  • cultural practices

  • traditional foods

Step 2 : Students can create their own vlog content (in the form of presentation slides) to introduce to the viewers (which is us) their findings.

Tip : Students can use Canva to create their own vlog. Go to 'Presentation', create their own slides, then 'Present and Record' their findings.

What to include in your SIL Journal

  • Reflections

    • How did you feel about doing this vlog?

    • When you showed the vlog to your family / friends, what positive feedback did they give you?

    • What is the advantage of us learning more about the cultures and traditions of our neighbours?

๐Ÿฅ˜ Activity: Learn about Asian dishes & add it in your cookbook!

Southeast Asia is a diverse and fascinating cultural crossroads that forms both a geographic and culinary link between Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Food can be sweet, sour, salty, spicy and bitter all in the same bite.


Step 1 : Search up for Southeast Asian recipes about dishes that you have always been curious about! E.g. always wondered how nasi goreng Indonesia is different from your family's usual go-to fried rice recipe? (Hint : kicap manis & belacan / terasi)

Step 2 : Decide on one that you might try to cook & copy out the recipe! Research on the ingredients used too to make it as authentic as possible! E.g. are you familiar with the kaffir lime leaves and galangal needed to make tom yam goong?

Step 3 : Share with us the recipe together with the list of unique ingredients!

๐ŸŒŸ REMEMBER : If you really want to cook the dish, wait for adult supervision! Don't cook at home on your own! ๐ŸŒŸ

What to include in your SIL Journal

  • Share with us the recipe!

  • Reflections

    • What is unique about this Southeast Asian dish? What unique ingredients are there?

    • Are there some similarities between this dish and the local dishes in Singapore?

๐ŸŽ™Activity: Learn about our Asian famous delicacies and be a food influencer!

Singapore is known to be a food haven. And so are our ASEAN counterparts!


Step 1 : Find out more about the famous delicacies and unique dishes of each ASEAN country. For example, ever heard of Balut? Nasi Goreng (ok that obviously most of you will)? Gado Gado?

Step 2 : Share 1-3 interesting dishes by creating one of the suggestions below :

  • a reel video

  • a vlog

  • a food review

What to include in your SIL Journal

  • Your reel video / vlog / food review

  • Reflections

    • Which foods have you tried? How was it like?

    • Which foods will you want to try?

    • Which foods wonโ€™t you dare to try? Why / Why not?

๐ŸŽผActivity: Learn about Southeast Asian culture and history through Music & play it!

Music can be an enticing gateway to other cultures, and because music is more than just sound, it can lead to learning about the people who produce them and their lives. Southeast Asian music encapsulates numerous musical traditions and styles in many countries of Southeast Asia.


Step 1 : Learn how to play a Southeast Asian song!

Step 2 : Share your musical talent by recording your playing.

What to include in your SIL Journal

  • Your recording

  • Reflections

    • What did you learn about Southeast Asian music?

    • What are some unique features of Southeast Asian music?

    • Why should we learn about Southeast Asian music?

๐ŸฅปActivity: Learn about Asian fashion & create a lookbook!

The sarong. The baju melayu. The barong. The sampot.

Simplicity. Richly woven with gold and silver threads. Loose. Tailored.

The breadth of the traditional fashions of Southeast Asia is truly mind-boggling.

Interested in fashion? Let's find out more about the popular and traditional fashions of our neighbouring countries, and let's create a lookbook of your favourite looks!


Step 1 : Find websites on traditional Southeast Asian fashions. Enjoy the different lewks of the different regions, and across the different times.

Step 2 : Select your favourite looks, and assemble the images in one space - it can be a powerpoint slide, a document, tools like Canva.

Step 3 : Tie the different images together with some lines from you - what did you like about these looks? E.g. did you love the simplicity? Were you amazed by how the different countries shared some common fashion preferences? Were you blown away by the regal and traditional wedding looks?

What to include in your SIL Journal

  • Share your lookbook with your teachers and friends.

  • Reflections

    • What did you discover when researching the various fashions across the countries - were there similarities that struck you?

    • Since you like fashion, how do you think fashion, clothing help shape a group's identity?

    • Did you see how the fashion evolved over time? What did you see?