Other Resources

Topic: Transport

GQ: How do some cities manage traffic congestion?

Big Question aka Geographical Investigation: Is the bus transport system adequate to meet the needs of commuters?

Learning objectives:

  • Provide an opportunity to develop geographical inquiry skills such as crafting of investigation question/hypothesis; data collection; presentation and analysis of data and drawing conclusions and understanding
  • Engage students in collaborative field investigation
  • Develop students’ sense of places and people and an appreciation of geography

Description: This learning activity was designed to be student-centric, right down to the way students conducted their own fieldwork. Please examine the student handouts to have a good idea on how students were prepared, and also the amount of work the teachers went through in terms of answering students' questions on how to do analysis in their presentation slides. A key takeaway from the teachers' sharing was the need to use screen-cast videos to show very quickly how to perform analysis in the given GIS software for the students on the given GIS platform so students can handle the analysis independent of the teachers using screen-cast videos as references on how to use the GIS platform.

Student handouts (ICON login required)

Presentation Slides from 2017 GST NLC Celebratory Meeting(ICON login required)

[Resources contributed by: Mark Frank Ratnam and Eugene Lim Chun Yen, Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)]

Topic: Living with Tectonic Hazards

KQ2: What landforms and associated tectonic phenomena are found at plate boundaries?

Presentation Slides from 2017 GST NLC Celebratory Meeting (ICON login required)

[Resources contributed by: Mohamed Tafran Angullia, Hai Sing Catholic School and Tanny Koh, Saint Gabriel's Secondary School]

Using Geospatial Technologies to infuse Spatial Thinking in JC Classroomsin JC's Classroom Teaching and Learning

Presentation Slides from Geography Symposium 2018 (ICON login required)

Using ArcGIS to enhance fieldwork experiences (focus on tourism fieldwork in Kampong Glam)

Presentation Slides retrieved from OPAL for mirroring in this website (ICON login required)

A Proposed Evaluation Model for Geographic Information System (GIS) Networked Learning Communities (NLCs)

Presentation by Madeline Chen and Conrad Ow at iCTLT 2018 (ICON login required)

Tropical Cyclones by Nan Chiau High School

Lesson Brief: A lesson on Tropical cyclones with the use of ArcGIS Online. Through gathering data on tropical cyclones, students are able to track the paths cyclones take and see patterns of the conditions for their formation. They should also have a clearer understanding of the difference between the characteristics and conditions of tropical cyclones.

Reflection on design process and enactment:

Embarking on the use of technology is not to substitute the teacher, but rather, to support and enhance learning, thus it was a great opportunity to sharpen our facilitation skills, navigating the boundaries of cyberspace and the physical classroom. As students interacted with real-world data, learning became more relevant and authentic for therm. Students were more engaged in their discussions, challenging one another’s understanding and observations. All these enabled them to develop their critical thinking skills, deepening their understanding on this topic.

Link to deck of slides (ICON login required)

To get the SLS lesson, please fill in your request here. This form is monitored by the teachers.

Volunteered by Christine Tan on SG Learning Designers Circle (a FB group) and designed together with Cheryl Siah and Tay Kathy