Cedar 65 Full Event Video

Catch the full video of our Cedar 65 Celebrations that took place on 22 April 2022! For the programme booklet, click here.


Principal's Address by Mrs Chan Kah Hwee

Speech by Guest Of Honour,
Minister of State Ms Sun Xueling

Awards Highlights

Cedar Alumni Book Prize

This award is presented to Alea Hidayato Binte Osman who has displayed exemplary character, outstanding personal qualities and demonstrated resilience in overcoming challenges. Read more about Alea's story of overcoming cancer in the article here.

Cedar Award & Cedarian of the year

The Cedar Award recognises well-rounded students who have attained excellence in both academic and non-academic domains, while the Cedarian of the Year Award recognises the most outstanding recipient of the Cedar Award, and is accorded the honour of being the Valedictorian for the year. Catch the Valedictorian speech made by Cedarian of the Year, Lim Zhi Qi.

The Principal's Award (with My Teacher, my Inspiration)

This award is presented to Siew Jen who has displayed significant academic progress, and is a Leader of Character with outstanding Co-Curricular Activity achievements. A special accolade goes to Mr Ang Kai Jie, a teacher nominated by the Principal Award recipient for being the most influential teacher in her schooling experience.

Cedar 65 Celebrations

Official Opening of Cedar Library

Welcome performance by Handbell

Birthday Cake Cutting Ceremony

Launch of Cedar Girls' PE Attire (Modern Dance Performance)