D1 0920 - 1000
Student Exploration

During this time, students will:
(1) Set up & edit digital portfolio via Google Site (instructions below)
(2) Preparation for D1 Breakout Sessions (click here)

(1) Setting Up & Editing of Google Site Portfolio by Students


If you haven't had the chance, set up your own Google e-portfolio site. Recommended sub-pages include, but is not limited to:

  • Personal profile,

  • Academic Achievements,

  • Non-Academic Pursuits, and

  • Aspirations

Visit this page to reference resources we've used in the past year and technical instructions on how to set up a Google Portfolio Site.

Check out your senior's digital portfolio here.


Additionally, create a sub-page for this 2-day CareersAdvance Webinar Speaker Series programme to capture your reflections. Headers and sections to include are:

Your reflection page can look like this.

Visit the respective activity pages for the reflection questions. The pages have been hyperlinked above.


By 0950h, submit the link to your Google Portfolio site here .

The creation of a digital portfolio is always a work in progress, so it doesn't have to be "complete" for submission. However, you should make good use of this protected time to populate the portfolio to gain clarity of your values, interests, personality and strengths.


By 0955h, login to the first breakout session you signed up for. Zoom details can be found here.

Head to this padlet site to prepare yourself for the upcoming breakout room sessions. Enjoy!