This site is for Saints who wish to apply to overseas universities for their higher education. Below, Saints will find information regarding applying to overseas universities that may come in helpful.

We wish you well and all the best!

A. Applying to UK Universities 

UK Universities Application Guide for 2024 Entry - Copy.pdf

1. SAJC UK Universities Application Guide for 2024 Entry

Students can use this document to guide them in their application, and find information specific to SAJC that you will require for applications to UK Universities. 


2. Key Considerations when applying for UK Universities 

Students can use this document to guide them in thinking through their application to UK Universities.


3. How to use the UCAS portal

Students can use this document to guide them in their application using UCAS. 

1. 2023 BMAT Registration Info for schools.pdf

(1) BMAT Registration Info

2. 2023 CAAT JC Slides.pdf

(2) Cambridge Pre-interview Assessments, Oxford Admissions Test, Mathematics Admissions Test Registration Info

3. 2023 TMUA JC Slides.pdf

(3) TMUA Registration Info

4. Registration for 2023 BMAT & Other Admissions Tests, 1 Sep to 28 Sep (11pm) 

This includes the annual 

(1) BioMedical Admission Tests (BMAT), 

(2) Cambridge Pre-interview Assessments, Oxford Admissions Test, Mathematics Admissions Test and 

(3) Test of Mathematics for University Admissions (TMUA) 

Registration is required for students who wish to further their studies in 

(1) Universities in the UK 

(2) Universities in Other parts of Europe

(3) University in Malaysia

(4) Universities in Thailand

RELC Examinations Bureau is administering the test for Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing. 

For 2023, candidates that they will have to 

For enquiries, please send an email to RELC EB:

For easier reference, please find below the table of the test dates, name of each test, and the testing format.

B. Applying to US Universities 

US Universities Application Guide for 2024 Entry.pdf

1. SAJC US Universities Application Guide for 2024 Entry

Students can use this document to guide them in their application; and find information specific to SAJC that you will require for applications to UK Universities. 

C. Applying to Overseas Universities - Canada

1. University of British Columbia (UBC)

The following information has been provided by the University of British Columbia. 

Downloadable resources (PDF):


Application process and requirements:


Programs offered:



Other resources:

D. Applying to Overseas Universities - General

SAJC2022 Intro to Studying Overseas.pdf

1. Intro to Studying Overseas 

Project Access Singapore (PASG) shared with a group of SAJC students on studying overseas in May this year. This is their presentation deck that you may find helpful as an overview. 

Project Access Singapore is the Singaporean team at Project Access, a non-profit organization that connects bright Singaporean pre-university students from underprivileged and underrepresented backgrounds with Singaporean student mentors at top universities.  

E. College Profile

Students may be required to provide the college profile as part of your applications.

You may find the college profile on the official SAJC college website: