Mentoring for the Working World 


This Work Immersion experience from Nov of your J1 year to May of your J2 year will allow you to be mentored by an industry professional, who will guide you on your discovery of (career) interests as well as aid in your development of key attitudes/values/skills to succeed in the working world. It is based on Halogen Foundation's ELEMENTS programme
(a) In this programme, students
  • will be matched with mentors from established institutions, companies from the Halogen⁺ community, to embark on a learning journey through the power of mentoring conversations. 
  • can expect it to cover key elements of a youth’s growth – Personal Discovery, Career Navigation, and Skill Set Development – and contextualised to equip young people with a better understanding of themselves and their capabilities. 
(b) Programme Schedule and DurationStudents can expect to be engaged at the following:
  1. (Tentatively) November 2024: Mentee training session @ SAJC (F2F)
  2. December 2024: Mentorship Kick-off by Halogen Foundation Singapore (F2F)
  3. From Dec 2024 to May 2025: mentors and mentees will arrange for 4-6 mentoring sessions in total. Each session can range between 1-1.5 hours. All sessions will be held via Zoom. 

Briefing Slides

2024 Work Immersion Publicity Slides.pdf

Students can click here to read up more on the ELEMENTS Programme that Work Immersion is based on. 

Click here to REGISTER
for Work Shadowing and Work Immersion 2024 

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 2 Aug 2024 (Friday), 2359.