Bowen through the years:
1982-1989 | 1990-1999 | 2000-2009 | 2010-2022

Bowen's 40th Anniversary
The theme for our 40th Anniversary is BElonging, BEnefitting Lives, and BElieving. It reflects the three things that best represent the Bowen Experience from the time our school first opened its doors to students, as well as the collective aspirations of our Bowen family as we look to the future with hope and purpose.

Over the past four decades, we have grown our school identity and community based on common values such as respect, compassion and teamwork, our caring and inclusive culture, as well as through various shared memories under the Bowen Experience. These have led to a strong sense of belonging that has connected all Bowenians, past and present.

BEnefitting Lives
We are also committed to nurturing every Bowenian into a passionate learner, leader and champion. Through unique learning experiences and programmes, our school has made a positive impact not just on our staff and students, but also to society. Whenever we come to school, we pass under these words: Enter to Learn, Depart to Serve. Bowenians seek to become the best versions of themselves, so that they can be the best for the world.

The history of our school has been characterised by a strong sense of collective confidence as we continually forge ahead into the future, despite the changes or challenges faced. This shared belief in our students and ourselves, is encapsulated in our school motto: I Believe, Therefore I am. All Bowenians believe in their abilities and strive for success to reach their aspirations.

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