
School Textbooks Primary 1 Booklist 2024

Click to purchase your school books online ->

P1 BOOKLIST 2024.pdf

Uniform and Name Tag order

 Click to purchase your uniform online -> 

It is compulsory to purchase name tag for P1 students, please place order for your child's name tags at: bgpsnametag - KH uniform

BGPS Uniform Prices 1.1.2022.pdf
BGPS P1 Uniform_2024.pdf

Tailor for sewing Name Tag on School Uniform

 This stall at Blk 58 Market can sew name tag on school uniform. Please approach the shop directly.

School Bus Request Form

 Click to submit your request - Kosen Bus Request Form 

Info Sheet on School bus Services (BGPS) (2024).pdf

School Dismissal and P1 Orientation Information 

For more information, visit the school's website at

First 3 Days 2024- Things to Take Note Of and Bring.pdf

Student Care Centre

Click to submit your request -> 

(BGPS) SCC Letter for P1 (2024).pdf

POSB Smart Buddy 

Click to find out more ->

Parent Kit  

Click to find out more -> MOE Parent Kit

Parent Kit - Supporting Your Child Through the Primary 1 Journey.pdf
Parent Kit - Guiding Our Children Through Their P1 Transition.pdf
Parent Kit - Starting Your Primary 1 Journey.pdf

Parent Support Group