
Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to Bedok Green Primary School!

As the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the school will need to collect information about you and your child/ ward for the provision of educational services during your child’s/ ward’s admission in MOE schools, you are required to submit the Pupil Data Form online at by 29 December 2023. The online form will be available from 10 a.m., 27 November 2023. Each parent must individually login to the portal using his/ her own Singpass account to submit particulars of himself/ herself. We seek your help to complete the submission by 29 December 2023.

For rest of the administrative forms -  Edusave Standing Order Form (for Singapore citizens only) and GIRO Form , we seek your help to complete the submission by 29 December 2023.

We strongly encourage you to purchase school uniforms and school textbooks online at the vendors' websites. Please refer to Information on the purchase of school uniforms, school textbooks and other school services like School Bus and Student Care Centre. 

Thank you.

BGPS Admin Team