1) Application (7 May - 3 June 2024)

Application is via the MOE DSA-Sec portal. 

Please visit this link for more details: 

Applicants who do not have prior experience may also apply. The school will assess applicants based on the selection criteria, which may include assessing the potential of the applicants.

2) Submission of supporting documents for non school-based participation/achievement (24 June - 1 July 2024) 

All applicants will be contacted via email after 24th June.

A form for submission of supporting documents (non school-based participation/achievement) will be sent on 24th June. 

No testimonials or video submission is allowed. Testimonials or video submissions will not be entertained.

Submission is optional and information will be used for the school's reference only. All information collected will be kept strictly confidential.

3) Shortlisting (24 June onwards)

Applicants will be shortlisted for trials based on the information submitted via the DSA portal and form for supporting documents:

Please click here for the Shortlist Criteria of the different CCAs 

Do note that meeting all the criteria does not guarantee that the applicant will be shortlisted. 

All applicants will be informed of the outcome from 5th July onwards.

** All shortlisted International Students who are not taking PSLE MUST take and fulfil the requirements of the Admissions Exercise for International Students test to be successful in DSA.

4) Trial/Audition/Interview (8 July - 16 August 2024)

Trials/Auditions/Interviews will be conducted in person

Shortlisted applicants will be informed of the specific dates in the 1st week of July.

Please click here for the Performance Tasks/Assessment Components of the different CCAs 

5) Confirmed Offer/Waitlist/Unsuccessful (9 Sept 2024)

Results of the trials/auditions/interview will be released by Mon 9th September.

Students who are successfully admitted to the school via DSA are expected to honour their commitment to the school and participate in the activities related to the talent they are selected for from year 1-4.

Talent Areas offered in ACSBR:

(Please click on the links for more information on the respective CCAs)

For more information, you may visit the MOE DSA-Sec website:

If you have any queries, you may contact the following personnel:

Mr Thio Yu Chong (HOD PE/CCA) -

Mr Mohammad Faisal (SH CCA) -

Ms Desiree Chua (SH Aesthetics) -