Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
Where can I find out about the dates of CCA trials and auditions? I might have other things to attend to.
Please view the CCA Selection Venues. You may wish to communicate with the CCA contact person or CCA teacher.
When will we know if we are selected or rejected from a CCA?
Students will be informed through the CCA teacher and Admin Portal on 7 Mar.
When does CCA registration start on the YIJC Admin portal?
CCA Registration period is from 14-25 Feb on the Admin Portal.
How will the CCAs select their members if they have a quota and have overwhelming application?
The CCA will select based on the performance of the students during the trials.
What will happen to me if I only indicate to go for one CCA's trial and did not get selected?
You may be contacted to attend trials for your other choices if necessary.
If I am already accepted after the trial, can I start my CCA?
Registration through the admin portal is still required. Upon confirmation by your CCA teacher, you may attend the CCA on the 2 March* onwards. Officially, all students would be informed on 7 March.
*Early Admission to CCA
JC1 Students may attend CCA of choice if:
The student has chosen the CCA as one of their choices AND
The student will NOT be attending any more trials/auditions AND
The CCA teachers have selected the student into their CCA without any conflict with other CCAs.
Do I need to bring any certs for the CCA trials to increase the chances of getting into the CCA of my choice?
No, unless requested by your CCA. Do highlight your CCA experiences and achievements to the CCA.
CCA Specific Questions
Will the trial for bowling be outside school?
Bowling Trials will be conducted at Safra Yishun (external).
Is there a trial to join Air Weapons ?
Yes, there is. Please indicate your interest in the Air Weapons registration form, the CCA teachers/Exco will contact you for more details.
How many slots are there for Football?
On the average, 15 - 20 students will be selected.
If I join the Students' Council as a CCA, will I be awarded as a tier 3 leader even as a member?
Yes. A Student Council member is a Tier 3 leader.
Does the school's symphonic band have a trumpet section?
How should I prepare myself for the drama trial?
Please indicate your interest to the CCA, the CCA teachers/Exco will attend to your queries.