Makers' academy

about makers' academy

Makers' Academy allows us to explore our creativity in any one of the three departments that form the Maker’s Academy.

As part of the Photography and Film-making department (PFM), we learn various photography techniques from like-minded people which has enabled us to enhance our photography skills. During CCA hours, we share our photographs which is not only a good opportunity to learn from each other's feedback, but also a perfect platform for us practice our public speaking skills. The film-making aspect of this requires us to work in teams, allowing us to learn about teamwork while providing the space for us to create and generate ideas. Aside from that, we also cover college events such as King Of The Street (KOTS), a college sports carnival and College Day.

Another department of Makers' Academy is the Interactive Making and Design (iMAD), which is a department of Makers Academy that focuses on designing various interactive projects with the help of basic coding, engineering and 3D printing skills. In iMAD, we regularly come into contact with Arduinos (which are single board microcontrollers), drones and 3D printers (using Flashprint and Autodesk software).

Finally, the App Development Unit (ADU) is where tech-savvy students can come together and create something innovative and possibly life-changing. Our main focus is learning about the fundamentals of programming, a quintessential skill of the 21st century. Fun and engaging tutorial sessions will be conducted by a trained IT professional who will be able to make programming a breeze and provide valuable feedback and pointers. We learn about web development and work on many other exciting projects. Whether you're new to code or have prior experience, ADU always has something exciting in store for you.

With these different departments of Makers’ Academy, we are able to bring out the best in each and every member through the CCA sessions which are carefully crafted to suit members’ learning needs. With the aim of developing creativity of our members, our sessions are designed to provide both a fun and enriching experience.

snapshots of cca in action


Publicity Videos

Note: Some of the images/footage used were captured pre-COVID19

CCA information

1) CCA days, timing and venue:

Wednesdays & Fridays 4.30 - 6.30 pm

App Development Unit (ADU): Computer Lab 2 & 5

Interactive Making and Design (iMAD): Co-Lab & J2-04

Photography and Film-Making (PFM): Computer Lab 3 & 4

2) Courses/ Opportunities for development:

  • ADU: "Web Application Training Workshop" and "Beginner and Intermediate Python Training Workshop"

  • iMAD: Coding skills, learn to work with Arduino boards to create an entirely new product from scratch and perform basic engineering skills. Learn to use 3D printing software and print your desired product. Final Year Project is applicable to all iMADers where they work in teams to create a new product after training sessions and work closely with trainers. Wide array of competitions and workshops provided to all members. Members can form their own teams or team up with students from other schools to work on creative projects or participate in workshops offered by organisations such as DSTA.

  • PFM: Photography and Videography workshops, to equip students with skills such as camera handling, photography techniques and many more. After the workshops, PFM members will create a film as production groups, before having their films showcased in a YIJC film festival, where awards will be given out for various production roles. Students will also have the opportunity to do media coverage for various school events (JC1 Orientation, CNY, College Day, etc).

to find out more...

Contact Details:




CCA Teacher

Mr Neo Zhixian Ben


CCA Teacher

Mr Tan Kit Loong, Christopher


CCA Teacher

Mr Tan Bang Choon David



Mr Low Hwan Liang



Mr Goh Han-Ming Jasper


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