What would you do if there is poor internet connection at home and you have to sit for your online examination? See what did this girl do.
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A young Sabahan student of University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) posted a YouTube video detailing her experience of spending 24 hours staying on a tree to access the internet. She did the “challenge” just so she could do her online exams, which she couldn’t do at home due to poor internet connection.

Veveonah Mosibin, a foundation student at the University, started a YouTube channel a month ago during the Movement Control Order (MCO). She used the platform to share her life at her rural area, and to create cool tricks like opening coconuts without any tools or building an underground water well from scratch.

Her recent video, 24 Hours On A Tree, entailed her spending that amount of time on the tree to get a good enough internet connection just for online exams. However, as she said in the video, Veveonah did not intend to spend the night there for her tests.

She created a hut on a hill, which she documented in another video, especially for her online exams. But when she visited the hut again before her exams had started, she found that it collapsed probably.

“It’s impossible, I think. Because I built it as sturdy as possible. It’s okay. I need to go home first,” she said, not letting the feeling of disappointment get to her, as she quickly thought of the idea of staying on top of a tree instead as a plan B.

Veveonah documented her incredible 24-hours experience, including dealing with a giant Asian murder hornet, eating plain rice dumplings, be able to maintain incredible balance on the branches, and able to do two exams with a mobile phone. She also slept on the tree, saying afterwards that she couldn’t sleep well “due to the strange noises”.

Veveonah also shared what her family and she go through, from hard work rubber tapping, to not having electricity so they would usually go to sleep at 7pm to save on candles. Still, she had so much gusto and was so quick to solve problems that it was really very inspiring to see.

She has recently posted a video titled “1000+ subscribers in one month” due to her viral “24 hours” video, which now has 19,000 views. Her channel now has 3,300 subscribers.

Veveonah revealed in the comments section that she shoots with an Android camera, and edits using InShot. Here’s hoping the UMS student continues to keep up with her channel because she has a very bright future ahead of her.

adapted from: https://www.soyacincau.com/2020/06/15/ums-student-spent-24-hours-in-a-tree-to-do-online-exams-due-to-poor-mobile-signal-at-home/

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