Mutual Respect


religion (noun) the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

tolerance (noun) a fair, open, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, beliefs, practices, racial or ethnic origins, etc., differ from one's own

prejudice (noun)

  • preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

  • dislike, hostility, or unjust behaviour deriving from preconceived and unfounded opinions.

unity (noun) the state of being united or joined as a whole.

Learn about other people and cultures. A good way to become a more tolerant person is to educate yourself more deeply about other people and cultures. Often when people display a lack of tolerance for somebody, it is in part because they feel alienated or uncertain about what the other person is doing or saying. Take the time to learn about different cultures and belief systems. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, but always do this in a respectful and polite way.

  • For example, you could find out about different ways of celebrating significant events.

  • You can also expose yourself to new experiences to demystify things that might have seemed strange or alien to you before.

Check out these reliable websites about other religions.

You can also ask your friends!

Speaking with respect
I have a question about _______________ .
Can you tell me more about ?
I think it is interesting that you _______________ .
That reminds me of _______________ .
I used to think _______________, but now I think _______________ .
Thank you for telling me more about _______________ .
Can you please tell me why ?