Children's Day

Date and celebration of Children's Day are varied from country to country. In this lesson, we will learn about Children's Day in Japan.

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Children’s Day

In Japan, people celebrate Children's Day on May 5. It is a day for celebrating children's personalities and their growth and happiness. They have been celebrating Children's Day for a long time, but it became a national holiday in 1948.

Originally, on the fifth day of the fifth month, they had festivals for boys only. The day was called Boy's Day. There is still a Girl's Day, a festival for girls. It is celebrated in March (on the third day of the third month). In 1948, the Japanese government changed the name of Boy's Day to Children's Day.

Children's Day is part of a longer holiday known as Golden Week. On April 29, there is Showa Day. There are three consecutive holidays in May. The three holidays are on May 3, 4 and 5. Since Golden Week is in the spring, the weather is not too cold and not too hot. Many people take a vacation and travel during Golden Week, while others relax and stay at home during their free time.

During the time around Children's Day, families do many things to celebrate their children. Before the holiday, families with boys put large flags shaped like carp outside of their homes. The black carp at the top represents the father; the red carp represents the mother. The other carp flags represent the sons in the family. The carp symbolizes strength and success. Inside their house, they have dolls of warriors and heroes.

Also on this day, families often take baths with iris leaves and roots in the tub. They think the iris is good for your health and protects people from evil. The bath houses are open early in the morning and close late in the evening on this special day. They also eat a special rice cake wrapped with oak leaves and filled with sweet red bean paste.

There are also events around the country held on May 5 for children and their parents to have a fun time. In Tokyo, there is a “Kids’ Olympics” in the stadium of the 1964 Olympic Games. There are races for families and kids in different age groups.

In the theater in Yokohama, children can learn to perform a comedy. They start practicing once or twice a week in the summer. They learn comic expressions, movements and uses of the fan. On May 5, they perform for their parents and friends.

Children's Day is a great day for families because they can celebrate their children and have an enjoyable time.