Thanks Ms. Asha & Mr. Ahmad Uzeir from PGC for giving providing insightful thought on Be a 5R ambassador for Program Zero Waste With GREW

It is great to see all the amazing kids for your commitment and keen of learning during the session.  Well done

program Zero .pdf
program Zero .pdf

Congratulations to the following school's students for successfully awarded the 5R Heroes Ambassador Award,  5R Heroes Silver Award & Special Award:

Best Video: Sharmatha, Kaelyn Thong & Laaranya (SMK Convent Butterworth)

Best Logo Design of Zero Waste With GREW Initiative Programme: Lee Song You (SMJK Jit Sin)

5R Heroes Zero Waste Ambassador Award:

SMK Kampung Kastam

SMJK Jit Sin

SJKC Union

SK Convent Green Lane

SMK Dato' Onn Butterworth

SMK Convent Butterworth

5R Heroes Zero Waste Silver Award:

SK Balik Pulau

SJKC Perempuan China

SK Convent Pulau Tikus

SMK Tasek

Thanks to UNESCO Malaysia for sponsoring this amazing programme which had successfully shape students to be the speaker & influencer to their friends.

Keep it up all students.