Set-up Guide

Digital Portfolio Template - Learning and Leadership (Program Start Date 2005-2018)

This page will guide you through the major steps of getting your digital portfolio up and running. If you are reading this guide after September 1st, 2021 or if "Upgrade your site now" is not available", skip to step 6

Converting your Classic Site & Setting Up your Google Drive Folder

4. Click Start

5. Click Continue

Step 6 

6. Navigate to your google drive folder here:  

7. Click on the icon that looks like a person to access the "Share with people and groups" window

8. Click on the area to the right of "Get link" to expand the available options

9. Click on Restricted

10. From the provided list, click on Anyone with the link

11. Select Done

12. You will now return back to the list of files in your Drive. With your folder still selected, click on the three dots

13. Click Add to Starred

Note: This will make locating your files in the future a lot easier

14. Click on the three dots again and select Rename

15. In the dialogue box for renaming the folder, delete the words "from Classic Sites"

16. Click OK

Note: We will be using this folder for your new portfolio in future steps. Removing the reference to classic sites will help reduce confusion later down the road.

17. Double click on the folder to open it. There should be a folder for each page of your portfolio. This is where you will add new files as you are ready to attach them to your portfolio

Using the New Template

Note: The most efficient way to leverage the new google sites is to copy your content directly from your classic sites portfolio. Though google sites will convert your classic site to a new format, the styling and navigation is not optimal. We have created a straightforward process that will allow you to leverage the most google sites has to offer without having to spend hours on adjusting your converted site to make it functional.

Ensure you are completely signed out of all google services. This will ensure any personal google accounts aren’t conflicting with the steps in this guide. The easiest way to do this is to open a private window.

Note: This is to ensure you are signing into your UTC provided google account

18. In the private browser, open the following link:

19. Enter your MocsID followed by

20. Click Next

21. Enter your UTC ID and password and sign-in

22. You will be brought to the master template page. Select Use Template at the top right of the page.

23. Rename the site by clicking on the document name at the top left of the page. We suggest using “LEAD Digital Portfolio – Last Name”

24. In two locations you will need to replace {Your Name Here} with your own name.

25. Click Publish

26. In the box provided, you will need to type in a unique identifier for your site. This is used to generate the URL that will bring people to your published portfolio. We suggest "Last Name-Digital-Portfolio"

27. Select Manage under who can view this site

28. Under the links heading, click Change

29. Change "Published Site Restricted" to "Published Site Public"

30. Click Done

31. Select Publish

Transfer Text from your Classic Sites

32. Go to and ensure you are signed in to your UTC Moc's account. To double check, click on the icon at the top right of the page. If you aren't on the right account, select Add another account and sign in using your MocsID followed by

33. Right click on your new portfolio and select Open in new tab

34. Return to the list of your sites and right click on your old portfolio and select Open in new tab

35. Navigate to each page of your old portfolio. Anywhere you have written text, such as your biography or descriptions of work, copy and paste the text into the appropriate location of the new portfolio. Your new portfolio will have Lorem ipsum in many places serving as a placeholder.

36. Locate the appropriate document placeholders.Several pages will have a grey box with a plus sign in the middle. The help text at the bottom of the page will inform you with what type of document should be added here. 

37. Click on the plus sign

38. Select "From Drive"

39. Locate the file in the folder you uploaded the appropriate document to on Google Drive. You can select "Starred" to quickly locate the appropriate folder. Your files should be located in the folder we were editing in step 15 of this guide.

40. Click on the file you wish to add

41. Select Insert