Set-up Guide

Digital Portfolio Template - Leadership and Instructional Practice Doctoral Program (EdD)

This page will step you through the three major steps of getting your digital portfolio up and running. Each section of this guide provides a video and written instructions that will guide you through the process.

Step 1 - Creating a Google Drive Folder

Creating a google drive folder should be the very first step of your journey. Creating the folder now will ensure you have a properly built folder that your portfolio site can pull files from. 

Video Guide:

Text Guides:

Step 2 - Create a Portfolio Site

We have created a template site for your use in building your portfolio. In the guides provided below, you will learn how to duplicate the portfolio site and begin adding your own content to the site.

Video Guide:

Text Guide:

3. Enter your MocsID followed by

4. Click Next

5. Enter your UTC ID and password and sign-in

6. You will be brought to the master template page. Select Use Template at the top right of the page.

7. Rename the site by clicking on the document name at the top left of the page. We suggest using “LEAD Digital Portfolio – Last Name”

8. In two locations you will need to replace {Your Name Here} with your own name.

9. Click Publish

10. In the box provided, you will need to type in a unique identifier for your site. This is used to generate the URL that will bring people to your published portfolio. We suggest "Last Name-Digital-Portfolio"

11. Select Manage under who can view this site

12. Under the links heading, click Change

13. Change "Published Site Restricted" to "Published Site Public"

14. Click Done

15. Select Publish

16. At the top of the page you can view your sites public URL by clicking the chain labeled "copy published site link"

Step 3 - Editing your portfolio

In this section, you will take a deeper dive into utilizing various google site features and how to maximize your use of the provided template. 

Video Guide: