Social Studies
Looking for more assistance? Contact Jonathan Cornue: 315.361.5544;
Click here for a copy of the Framework.
Click here for a copy of the Framework.
Look here the resources you will need plan for the Framework-Based Global History and Geography Regents Exams.
Look here for the resources you will need to plan for the Framework-Based U.S. History and Government Regents Exams.
CIS/SLS has materials available too! Check out their page here.
Looking for a deeper understanding of the Social Studies Framework? This step-by-step guide is the way to go! You can approach it on your own, with a team, or as part of a staff development session.
The Big Ideas
This is an opportunity to dig into the most significant shift in the NYS Standards: the Practices. Practices have been identified for Reading and Writing, as well as for Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. How do they tie to our planning, our instruction, and the children's learning?
Step One: Download this document and take a look at the Common Practices
Step Two: Use The Big Ideas document to begin to identify commonalities and to brainstorm next steps