Looking for more assistance? Contact Jonathan Cornue: 315.361.5544;
Look here for the standards: NYSSLS -- UPDATED February 2019.
Want to better understand the standards? The NYSSLS are based, in large part, on A Framework for K-12 Science Education. The links below offer a copy of that document as a whole and of key document sections for easier access.
Looking for ideas? Check out these offerings from experts around the country!
NGSS Phenomena -- Images, GIFs, and video clips of phenomena that can be used to initiate inquiry.
NGSS Storylines -- "Storylines" that address multiple Performance Expectations; from Brian Riser and colleagues.
#Going3D -- Lessons, ideas, and guidance from Brett Moulding, Nicole Paulson and colleagues.
NGSS Workshops -- Developed by Joe Krajcik, Lappan-Phillips Professor of Science Education at Michigan State University.
Better Lesson -- Lessons from teachers. As with anytime that you look at another's work, be certain that you evaluate the material to see how well it meets your needs.
Library Resources -- Specifically designed for access by educators in Rome City School District.
Follow this structure to connect the High School Standards to the appropriate courses (Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics), per NYSED guidance.
The Big Ideas
This is an opportunity to dig into the most significant shift in the NYS Standards: the Practices. Practices have been identified for Reading and Writing, as well as for Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. How do they tie to our planning, our instruction, and the children's learning?
Step One: Download this document and take a look at the Common Practices
Step Two: Use The Big Ideas document to begin to identify commonalities and to brainstorm next steps