Social Emotional Learning

Looking for more assistance? Contact Ed Rinaldo: 315.361.5550;

NYSED SEL Support -- NYSED SEL Guidance Document, SEL Learning Activities & Teaching Practices, Content Area Crosswalk Documents

SEL Signature Practices Playbook -- Strategies that can be implemented in the classroom.

Self-Assessing SEL Instruction & Competencies -- From The American Institute of Research (AIR): A self-assessment tool for teachers.

SEL Coaching Toolkit -- From AIR This toolkit provides tools and supports for coaches and administrators to help teachers think about and plan for creating changes in their practice that focus on social, emotional, and academic development).

District and School Leader SEL Readiness Tool -- Also from AIR: the three domains of this tool (Culture & Context, Roles & Relationships, Systems & Structure) identify characteristics necessary to foster and support school leadership and identify areas for growth.

How Smartphone Light Affects Your Brain and Body -- Just what it says!

David E. Super's Life Career Rainbow -- Develop your own pie chart of life-work balance.

SEL Assessment Guide -- An interactive tool to help practitioners select and effectively use currently available assessments of students' SEL competencies.