Afterschool Coaching Resources

Are you an afterschool professional looking for free materials to coach educators to more confidently facilitate STEM experiences? 

If so, you're in the right place!

During April, May, and June of 2025, you can attend a FREE ACRES Coaching Resources Info Session. Sign up now.

Start here to learn about this approach to STEM Facilitation coaching and see some ACRES coaching sessions in action.

Once you're familiar with the concept of ACRES, your module guides will be your go-to resource to facilitate coaching sessions.

To level up your coaching game, check out these additional resources.

If you'd like to train multiple coaches to facilitate ACRES sessions, you'll want to use the Coach the Coaches Guide.

ACRES (Afterschool Coaching for Reflective Educators in STEM) is a nationally acclaimed coaching program that builds knowledge and skills so afterschool educators, librarians and anyone who works with youth in out-of-school settings can confidently facilitate STEM experiences. The vetted resources are now fully available to you to use to train other afterschool professionals.

Core Principles for Coaches

Strive to Make it Supportive and Brave.

ACRES coaches cultivate community. We foster an inclusive space by creating community agreements, a space for dialogue through small group conversations, and personal reflections. We encourage educators to bring their full selves and share their lived experiences. Coaches are encouraged to adapt ACRES sessions in response to what they are hearing from their participants and their understanding of their community. 

Keep the Lens on Purposeful Questions

Asking Purposeful Questions is an evidence-based pedagogy essential to facilitating STEM. ACRES coaches model purposeful questioning and offer multiple opportunities for educators to practice the skill in every module (not just the Asking Purposeful Questions module!). 

Look for Evidence

Coaches provide support to improve practice by offering specific and actionable feedback and creating opportunities for connection. ACRES coaches and educators use actual videos of practice as they reflect and share feedback. Coaches refer to videos throughout ACRES sessions.