Advanced Drama

Advanced Drama - An Overview:

Advanced Drama is an elective course designed to serve as a capstone learning experience in the study of theatre arts and dramatic performance. This class, which requires instructor approval to enroll, functions as an ensemble theatre troupe. While skill building and technique development is a major part of the course, these will be explored through developing theatrical performances for public performance. Students will have the opportunity to serve in a variety of roles in the creation of these productions including directing, writing, design, research, performance, and promotion. Advanced Drama Students also attend theatre festivals and prepare monologues and duo scenes from published plays. The advanced drama class is a production class and all students participate in two major performances a year. In the 2020-21 School year we will also be grappling with a unique exploration of virtual rehearsals and performances and digital collaboration - skills that have become increasingly important to all performing arts professionals over the past few months.

Assignment and Event Calendar