Durante el segundo trimestre hemos trabajado las plantas en Natural Science con 4º de Primaria. Aprendimos que dentro de la reproducción de las plantas, estas pueden hacerlo de forma sexual (polen) o asexual. En este caso, el poto lo hace de forma asexual, mediante esquejes, es decir, puedes cortar un trozo y colocarlo en agua. De esta manera, saldrán raíces y trasplantando a tierra, podrá vivir como una planta independiente de la que se obtuvo.

En esta presentación se pueden ver los cambios que ha tenido el esqueje durante el paso del tiempo, como la raíz ha ido creciendo y cómo incluso ha comenzado a brotar una hoja nueva.

During the second term we have worked on plants in Natural Science with 4th grade of Primary. We learned that plants can reproduce sexually (pollen) or asexually. In this case, the pothos does it asexually, through cuttings, that is, you can cut a piece and place it in water. In this way, roots will come out and transplanting it to the ground, it will be able to live as an independent plant from the one it was obtained from.

In this presentation you can see the changes that the cutting has had over the time, how the root has grown and how a new leaf has even begun to sprout.

8th February: We cut a piece of plant and put it into water. It has four leaves.

8th February: No roots, only stem.

10th March: A little root starts to grow.

14th March: The root continues growing.

20th March: Still growing.

5th April: Still growing.

5th April: A long root and a new leaf growing.

Next day we will transplant it to a pot with soil.