Professional Development Committee

About Staff Advice & Implementation Committee

The School of Engineering (SoE) has created a Staff Advice & Implementation Committee (SAIC) in response to the SoE's community feedback. SAIC advises Dean Anantha on best practices related to the advancement of staff engagement and professional development opportunities for all administrative and support staff across SoE. 

SAIC is organized into three working committees plus a steering group composed of the committees' leaders.  The three working committees are Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Professional Development; and Social Events and Wellness. 

This page is dedicated to Professional Development.

About the Professional Development Committee 

This committee was formed to help the SoE staff explore career opportunities within MIT; assist in identifying resources most sought after by SoE staff and recommend ways to share with the SoE community; and assist in creating and implementing customized workshops to enhance current and new professional skills.

The current topics this committee is focusing on are:  a staff mentoring program (StaMP), Roundtable Series, and Resources.