August 2023

The 1000 Hours Outside Challenge- By Alice Finen

The 1000 hours outside challenge was started by Ginny Yurich, mother and author. The movement is a growing initiative that aims to encourage families to spend more time outdoors, connecting with nature and reaping the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of spending time in the natural world. The concept behind the movement is simple: challenge yourself and your family to spend 1000 hours outside over the course of a year.

The idea of spending time outside is not new. However, with the rise of technology and the busy schedules of modern-day life, it has become increasingly difficult for families to make time for nature. The 1000 Hours Outside movement aims to change that, by encouraging families to prioritize outdoor time and make it a regular part of their routine. Mistwood encourages outdoor time at school with an average of two hours of built in play time a day and other classes that take place outside. 

Why 1000 Hours?

The 1000 Hours Outside movement is inspired by research that suggests that children should spend at least three hours a day outside to promote healthy development. This translates to around 1000 hours of outdoor time over the course of a year. However, the movement is not just about hitting a specific number of hours. It's about creating a culture of outdoor play, exploration, and adventure, and making nature a regular part of family life.

Benefits of Spending Time Outside

There are many benefits to spending time outside, especially for children. Here are just a few:

Tips for Making the Most of Outdoor Time

Here are some tips for families looking to make the most of their 1000 hours outside:

We are so lucky living here in Humboldt County to have so many options for outdoor family fun!

Red Pandas at the Sequoia Zoo

How to Track Your 1000 Hours Outside

Tracking your outdoor time can help you stay motivated and see progress over time. Here are some ways to track your 1000 hours outside:

We at Mistwood challenge each of our family to try and get 1000 hours outside by this time next year!