April 2023

Mistwood Teacher/Parent Book-club!

Attention parents! We are excited to announce the launch of a new parent book club at our school. This is a fantastic opportunity for us to come together as a community and engage in meaningful discussions about books, education, and parenting. We hope that you will consider joining us in this exciting new venture.

Before we get started, we want to gather feedback from the school community to determine what type of books and discussion topics would be of interest to you. Please take a few moments to complete this short survey:[ link to survey]. Your feedback will help us plan and organize the book club in a way that meets the needs and interests of the majority of parents.

If you're new to book clubs, don't worry! It's an excellent opportunity to meet other parents, explore new books, and engage in lively discussions. Here are some frequently asked questions about book clubs:

1-What is a book club?

A book club is a group of people who come together regularly to read and discuss books. Members of the book club typically read the same book and then meet to discuss it. Book clubs can be organized around a specific genre, author, or theme. We will be looking at educational and child development philosophies that are support at Mistwood Educational Center. 

2-Why join a book club?

There are many benefits to joining a book club. For one, it's a great way to meet our school community and connect with other parents and staff. It's also an opportunity to read books that you may not have otherwise chosen for yourself, and to explore new ideas and perspectives. Finally, it's a chance to engage in thoughtful discussions and gain new insights into the book.

3-How does the book club work?

The book club will meet periodically and we'll select a book or selection from a book to read before each meeting. We'll announce the book in advance, so you have time to obtain a copy and read it. During the meeting, we'll discuss the book and share our thoughts and opinions. The book club will be moderated by a staff member or parent volunteer who will help facilitate the discussion.

4-What books will we read?

We want to hear from you! We're currently gathering feedback through our survey to determine what type of books and discussion topics would be of interest to the majority of parents. However, it is likely to be a book of our recommended reading list. 

5-When will the book club meet?

We're still determining the best day and time to meet, based on the feedback we receive from the survey. We'll announce the meeting time and date once it's been confirmed.

6- How do I sign up?

If you're interested in joining the book club, simply complete the survey to let us know your preferences. Once we've selected the first book and determined the meeting time, we'll send out an email with all the details. 

We're thrilled to offer this new opportunity for our school community and hope that you'll consider joining us. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and share your feedback with us. We look forward to reading and discussing books with you soon!