March 2023

Reflections on the CCSS Conference in February 

-by Kate Craig

I had the pleasure of presenting at the California Council for the Social Studies (CCSS) Conference in February 2023. My presentation was focused on the Inquire Arch, a unique and innovative approach to social studies education that I have developed over the last decade working in a variety of settings. 

The Inquire Arch is a framework that emphasizes student inquiry, critical thinking, and problem-solving. It helps students develop the skills they need to analyze complex social issues, evaluate sources, and make informed decisions. However, while it provides students with "voice" and "choice" in what and how they learn, it also provides them with a structure and scaffolting needed to succeed. 

During my presentation, I shared the key elements of the Inquire Arch and demonstrated how it can be applied in different social studies contexts. I showed attendees how to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences that support student inquiry, problem-solving and take ownership of their learning.

I was thrilled to see how enthusiastic the attendees were about the Inquire Arch. The small conference room was packed with almost 50 people! They asked insightful questions and shared their own experiences with teaching social studies. It was clear that the Inquire Arch resonated with many of the educators in the audience and that they were eager to try it in their own classrooms.

The CCSS Conference also featured a wide variety of other presentations, workshops, ventures and keynote speakers. I attended several sessions on topics such as integrating technology into social studies instruction, teaching controversial topics, and equitable grading in social studies.

The keynote speakers were especially inspiring, and I was impressed by their insights and expertise. They challenged us to think deeply about the role of social studies in today's world and the importance of developing students who are informed, engaged, and active citizens.

The CCSS Conference was an incredible experience. I had the opportunity to connect with other educators, learn from experts in the field, and share my own ideas and experiences with others. I am grateful for the opportunity to have presented on the Inquire Arch and to have contributed to the important conversation about social studies education in California and beyond.