Industry 4.0 Technology Implementation Grant

MEDC’s Industry 4.0 grant program will provide 50% reimbursement for qualifying I4.0 technology costs up to $25,000. 

Technologies eligible for this grant program include hardware/software related to the following I4.0 categories, and preference will be given to transformative technologies (denoted with a * below):

This is a competitive grant program. Companies will need to clearly define which technology will be implemented and establish a timeline, budget and anticipated outcomes of the project.

Grants will be reimbursement-based and will cover up to 50% of actual expenses incurred. Companies are required to cover the remaining cost of the technology project and cannot be combined with any other grant programs or external funding sources. Company match must be cash, not in-kind resources. 

Financial awards may not exceed $25,000 per company.

Perfect for POC's (Proof-of-Concepts) and Paid Pilots. Interested? Learn more at