Frequently asked questions

How do I get updated about the COVID-19 Response in Watertown?

The Town Manager issues updates and publishes them at the Town website. Learn how to get notified here.

Are Town Offices open?

Some Town offices have reopened with limited services or by appointment. Call ahead--click here for a list of contact information

Are there virtual programs I can attend from home?

Yes. There are a number of ways to stay connected to the community while you're at home.

Are there places I can donate for Watertown COVID-19 relief?

The Watertown Community Foundation established a Community Resiliency Fund. This is the best way to give money that will reach people in Watertown. More opportunities can be found here.

Is there a way to view this in different languages?

We have some resources translated in Spanish here. If you can translate for us, please contact us using this form.