Mindfulness in Sheffield

 What We Offer

Mindfulness in Sheffield are qualified Breathworks Tutors having several health and wellbeing programmes to suit all. We will help you understand and come to terms with your pain, stress, anxieties and depression. Read my story and be inspired on how mindfulness saved my life.  You too could benefit from mindfulness practices and techniques like I do.

Don't live in the past, don't worry about the future, live for today in the present moment

 Face to Face 1hr Mindfulness Sessions Every 2 Weeks. Contact me for more details

Hi All,

Every 2 weeks I run a  walk in 1hr mindfulness sessions to anyone and everyone.

The sessions will include, chatting, mindfulness explanations, mindfulness exercises and a free drink.

If you are struggling with stress, anxieties, slight depression or pain or even just want to join a friendly group for a little natter and a drink, then please come along.

All sessions are £5 and will be run at 

Heaven is Homemade Vintage Tea Rooms in Todwick, S26 1JH 

Next session Thursday 4th July 5:15pm

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.


"Mindfulness saved My Life"

Look no further than actual living proof that mindfulness does work with pain, stress, anxieties, and depression.

Read my story and be inspired.

Be taught by an accredited Breathworks mindfulness tutor

There are several Mindfulness Programmes on offer, Health and Wellbeing, Stress and Pain management. We’ll explore how meditation practice can help you live a happier and healthier lifestyle as well as understanding your habitual thought patterns, feelings, emotions and bodily stresses to help refine your form. 

Learn new techniques, and discover a new and better you.

All you need to know about mindfulness

Want to know what Mindfulness is, the terminology used or general information? 

Please go to Q&A page