About Me

Four days before my 21st birthday, I was on my way to work on a frosty 6am morning. I hadn't realised there was ice on the road, suddenly the road surface changed texture, It was too late as I scraped the curb, bouncing my car onto the other side of the road where I was hit by two cars. 

I can't remember the accident after that point and only what people had told me after. I was pronounced dead on local radio. The doctors at hospital gave me 48 hrs to live. If I pulled through they said I would be brain damaged and unable to walk.

I came out of intensive care on my 21st birthday. I had broken everything except my back, neck and right arm. I was told people could only recognise me by my eyes.

I fought hard with my injuries and pain and every day was a battle. I couldn't move or talk at first. Within 3-weeks, I was up and walking, within 6-weeks I was back home and back at work after 6 months. I knew my life had changed due to my injuries, but I was still young. I thought I could still do what I had done in the past, stand up, running around, DIY, fishing, and driving. But was I in for a shock.

The accident gave me the push to do well and make something of myself, At this point spiritual meditations became a big part of my life. Over the years I enrolled back at college, university and worked my way up the ladder before setting up my own business. Although it felt good to be successful, I hadn't realised I was constantly in automatic pilot mode. I would get up, go to work, come home, have tea and go to bed. I was working up to 16-18hrs a day, I was either up and down the country going to meetings or sat at my desk for hours on end. I also knew I was becoming ill and slowing down.

I had been diagnosed with arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis over the last 14 years but something else was wrong. It took another 2 years to find out that I had developed bulging disks at the bottom of my back.

The lower back issue left me unable to move for days. I opened up to my wife one day and said "I can't do this anymore", as the pain, lack of sleep, stress and depression kicked in.

I proceeded to close down my business but I too had shut myself down from my family, friends and the outside world. I felt i was alone.

Over the years I had virtually tried every type of pain killer going. I also had three different types of injections into my back, steroids, epidural as well as burning my nerves. They either made my pain worse or did nothing at all.

Through the pain clinic I came across something called Mindfulness. I had never heard of this and was curious to know more. I enrolled on the program and found it to be very helpful. The weekly group sessions were great as I began to understand my own pain, stress and other people's experience. I was so impressed that I enrolled to become a tutor of Mindfulness.

Through my working life I had given people light in their lives to see in the dark and now through my years of pain, stress and depression, I want to give people a different way of think about pain, stress and depression through mindfulness techniques.

I would also like to thank my wife for being there for me and for being my best friend, as well as the pain clinic, Shamash Aladina and all the Team at Breathworks for teaching me the ways of mindfulness, it's techniques and for giving me my life back.

Since 2017, I have dedicated myself to helping others feel more empowered and fulfilled through mindfulness practices. Each and every human being has a beautiful light within themselves, and I look forward to helping you unlock it.